Reaching Up, Reaching In, Reaching Out

Outreach at Dalesburg Baptist exists to facilitate mission opportunities and missionary support. Our church is financially and prayerfully supporting missions both local and global. Below you’ll see a list of our supported missionaries and organizations!  

Local Outreach

At Dalesburg Baptist, we look for opportunities to engage our community and be a spiritual lighthouse in this dark world. In order to see the Beresford area and beyond restored, like-minded organizations and individuals will have to work together. All of us have certain abilities and gifts that help bring spiritual transformation and renewal to individuals, families, and neighborhoods. Here are some…

Global Outreach

These are the individuals that Dalesburg Baptist supports beyond our physical reach. They are like-minded partners in ministry sharing the love of God and the message of the Gospel of Christ. We know that no one enters the Kingdom of God apart from a relationship with Jesus so we are passionate about partnering with others who are spreading the Gospel. We want to…